Namespace Loehnert.Lisrt.IO
- CylinderModule
Represents a (pneumatic) cylinder.
- DigitalInputStateMessage
Represents a state message which is active depending on the state of a digital input.
- EmergencyButtonModule
Represents a emergency stop button.
- EmergencyOffIsPressedStateMessage
Represents a state message, which is shown when an emergency off button is pressed.
- EmergencyOffModule
Represents a emergency off button.
- EmergencyStopIsPressedStateMessage
Represents a state message, which is shown when an emergency stop button is pressed.
- EmergencyStopModule
Represents a emergency off button.
- ForceableDigitalInputModule
Represents a decorator for an IDigitalInput implementation, that make the digital input forceable.
- FuseIsTrippedStateMessage
Represents a state message, which is shown when a fuse is tripped.
- InterlockModuleBase
Represents a base class for a solenoid interlock.
- LightBarrierIsBrokenStateMessage
Represents a state message, which is shown when an light barrier is broken.
- LightCurtainIsBrokenStateMessage
Represents a state message, which is shown when an light curtain is broken.
- LockableDoorModule
Represents a door which can be locked.
- PermissionDefinitions
Represents the permission definitions.
- IInterlock
Represents a interface for an interlock.
- ContactType
Represents the type of an contact.