Namespace Loehnert.Lisrt.Laser.Keyence
- CameraImageSettings
Represents camera image settings written to the laser.
- CodeReaderLightSettings
Represents code reader lighting settings read from laser.
- CodeReaderSettings
Represents code reader settings written to laser.
- CounterValues
Represents laser counter settings written to laser.
- DeviceState
Represents the laser device state.
- GroupOffset
Represents the offset of a group.
- LaserException
This exception represents an error generated by a the marking laser.
- LaserModule
Represents a Keyence marking laser.
- MarkingConfirmationResult
Represents a result of a marking confirmation.
- OnTheFlySettings
Represents OnTheFly settings written to laser.
- Read2DCodeParameters
Represents 2D Code reading parameters.
- Read2DCodeResult
Represents results of last 2D Code Reader scan.
- Targets
Represents laser target selections.
- WindowCheckResult
Represents results of window check function.
- CameraZoom
Represents the selection of camera zoom.
- CodeQuality
Represents the selection of parameters for the code quality evaluation.
- LightingType
Represents the selection of lighting type.
- MarkingBuilderVersion
Represents the choice of parameters for the Marking Builder version.
- OnTheFlyDirection
Represents the selection of parameters for the movement direction.
- ScannerPosition
Represents the selection of scanner position while reading the code.
- TargetFunction
Represents the selection of functions for laser targets.