Namespace Loehnert.Lisrt.Scripting.Editor.File.IntelliSense
- ClassCompletionType
Represents the type for a class completion.
- CompletionData
Describes an entry in the ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.CodeCompletion.CompletionList.
- CompletionType
Describes the type of a ICompletion item.
- IDefinitionExtensions
Provides extensions methods for IDefinition.
- InstanceCompletionType
Represents the type for a instance completion.
- IntelliSenseService
Represents a service for IntelliSense service that finds providers by file extension..
- KeywordCompletionType
Represents the type for a keyword completion.
- MethodCompletionType
Represents the type for a method completion.
- ModuleCompletionType
Represents the type for a module completion.
- NamespaceCompletionType
Represents the type for a namespace completion.
- ParameterCompletionType
Represents the type for a parameter completion.
- PathCompletionType
Represents the type for a instance completion.
- TextPosition
Represents a position in a text document.
- UnknownCompletionType
Represents the type for an unknown completion.
- VariableCompletionType
Represents the type for a variable completion.
- ICompletion
Interface for a completion.
- ICompletionProvider
Interface for a completion data provider.
- IDefinition
Interface for a definition of a code item (method, variable).
- IDefinitionProvider
Interface for a goto definition provider.
- IDefinitionsResult
Interface describes the result of "Go To Definition" command.
- IFileExtensionMetadata
Represents a contract identified by a file extension.
- IIntelliSenseContext
Represents a interface for IntelliSense context.
- IIntelliSenseService
Interface for a service that provides a intellisense providers for a IProjectItem.
- IName
Represents an interface for a name (e.g. class, method ...) of code file.
- INameResult
Represents an interface for a result that contains names of a code file.
- INamesProvider
Represents a interface for a provider for the named items. (e.g. classes, methods, properties ...)
- IQuickInfo
Represents an interface for a quick info result.
- IQuickInfoProvider
Interface for a hover provider.
- IReferencesProvider
Interface for a goto definition provider.
- IReferencesResult
Interface describes the result of "Find All References" command.
- ITextRange
Represents an interface for an text range.