Namespace Gemini.Framework.Commands
- CommandDefinition
Represents a command definition.
- CommandDefinitionAttribute
Represents an attribute to export an instance of a CommandDefinitionBase.
- CommandDefinitionBase
Represents base class for command definition.
- CommandHandlerAttribute
Represents an attribute to export an ICommandHandler implementation.
- CommandHandlerBase<TCommandDefinition>
Represents an abstract implementation of the ICommandHandler<TCommandDefinition> interface.
- CommandHandlerWrapper
Wraps a generic ICommandHandler<T> or ICommandListHandler<T> and allows easy calling of generic interface methods.
- CommandMouseGestureService
Represents a mouse gesture service for command.
- CommandMouseShortcut
Base class for a command mouse shortcut.
- CommandMouseShortcut<TViewModel, TCommandDefinition>
Represents a command mouse shortcut for type of a command definition.
- DoubleKeyGesture
Defines a double keyboard combination that can be used to invoke a command.
- ExcludeCommandMouseShortcut
Represents a mouse shortcut that should be excluded.
- ICommandHandler<TCommandDefinition>
Represents an interface for a command handler.
- ICommandListHandler<TCommandDefinition>
Represents an interface for a command list handler.
- ICommandMouseGestureService
Represents a mouse gesture service for commands.