Namespace Loehnert.Lisrt.Framework.Services
- LockChangedEventargs
Represents event args for a changing lock state.
- LockService
A lock service.
- OptionsSettingsProvider
Represents a settings provider that saves settings in the 'Options.settings' file in the Configuration folder.
- ViewModelLocator
Represents a service for finding a view model for a model. To find a view model, a view model factory for the type must be exported. If a view model factory is not found, a recursive search for a view model factory of the base types is performed.
- ILock
Interface for a lock.
- ILockService
A interface for service which provides locks for objects.
- ISplashScreen
Interface for a splash screen view model.
- IViewModelFactory
Represents an interface for a view model factory.
- IViewModelLocator
Represents an interface for a service to locate a view model by model.