Namespace Loehnert.Utility.Collections
- CollectionExtensions
Extensions for ICollection<T>s.
- ItemObservingObservableCollection<T>
This class represents an observable collection that also observes the change of properties of the containing items. When a property of the containing items changes, the ItemPropertyChanged event is fired.
- KeyItemCollectionExtensions
Class contains extensions for the KeyItemCollection<T> class.
- KeyItemCollection<T>
Represents an observable collection for items that implement the IHasKey interface.
- ObservableLimitedQueue<T>
Represents an observable, thread-safe Queue<T> with a flexible size limited.
- ObservableStack<T>
Class for a stack, implementing INotifyCollectionChanged.
- ThrottledObservableCollectionWrapper<T>
Wrapper for an observable collection which throttles the Add events.
- IKeyItemCollection<T>
Represents an interface for a collection of items that implement the IHasKey interface.